A bony bump behind the big toe — a bunion — that’s prone to swelling and tenderness. If you suffer from bunion discomfort, top-rated podiatrists Aldo Gonzalez, D.P.M. and Xavier Sanchez, D.P.M. provide conservative and surgical treatments at Ankle and Foot Center of Florida in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Before bunions start taking over your life, book online for an evaluation.
Bunions Q & A
What causes bunions?
Bunions, aka Hallux Valgus, are gradually developing deformities that occur at the base of your big toe. In many cases, you have an underlying issue that’s contributing to this painful joint deformity. For instance, if you inherit unstable joints or flat feet, your risk of bunion development increases.
Bunions can be aggravated by certain shoe gear. When you wear ill-fitting shoes on a daily basis, your big toe can’t lie comfortably in a straight and flat position. Instead, it makes room for itself by awkwardly bending and resting over or under your smaller toes. At some point, it may lead to deformity of the lesser toes. High intensity activity may also exacerbate bunion symptoms.
Over an extended period of time, your big toe joint conforms to this new abnormal bend. It changes shape as connective tissues hold your toe in this position.
Your chances of struggling with bunions further go up if you have arthritic conditions, or if you suffer from a toe injury or fracture.
When should I see a podiatrist for bunions?
Bunions progress gradually over time, often over a period of years. Ideally, you should schedule a bunion exam at Ankle and Foot Center of Florida as soon as you start noticing a minor bump forming, or a change in the way your big toe positions itself.
Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Sanchez encourage you to have a bunion evaluation if you are experiencing:
■ Corns or calluses
■ Pain with activity
■ Tenderness or swelling
■ Stiffness or limited toe range of motion
■ Difficulty with shoe gear
■ Inability to participate in activities
With on-site digital X-ray imaging, available at Ankle and Foot Center of Florida, our providers can diagnose the severity of your bunions quickly and discuss all of your treatment options with you.
Do I need surgery to treat bunions?
Typically, bunion surgery (bunionectomy) is reserved for cases where your bunions don’t respond to conservative therapies. Before going the surgical route, your doctor could recommend:
○ Physical therapy
○ Custom orthotic inserts
○ Taping, strapping, and splinting
○ Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
○ Shoe Adjustment
If nonsurgical bunion treatments aren’t effective for you, our physicians are skilled in surgical techniques to realign your big toe joint.
Bunionectomies are outpatient procedures. Plus, modern bunion surgeries result in long lasting correction & potentially less downtime than in years past.
You have plenty of options for bunion relief at Ankle and Foot Center of Florida. Find out more by booking a bunion evaluation online or over the phone today.